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presentation format中文是什么意思

用"presentation format"造句"presentation format"怎么读"presentation format" in a sentence


  • 演讲形式表达方式


  • Choosing report presentation formats in a subscription
  • Choose a presentation format when you open the report , or after you open the report
  • Optional review the configuration files to make unavailable any rendering presentation formats that you do not want to use
  • A language used to transform xml - based data into html or other presentation formats , for display in a web browser
  • The type of control that you use determines the default presentation format for a report as well as the visual characteristics of the toolbar
  • If you do not want to use html as the default report presentation format , you will have to write a custom report viewer for your application
  • Is an activity where a business entity interacts with a variety of content providers to process or reproduce such content in the desired presentation format of its customers
  • The conference will draw upon the wisdom and experience of experts who are intimately involved in important educational reforms in asia , australia , europe , and north america by inviting them to share their insights and experience with the conference participants in various presentation formats
  • As for other format requirements ( e . g . order of listing , font size , etc ) , the government would consult the trade at the technical meetings before finalizing the details . at present , there is no plan to prescribe presentation format for nutrient label other than nutrient content units
    至于其他格式要求(如胪列资料的次序、字体大小等) ,政府将在讨论技术性细节的会议上徵询业界的意见,从而拟定有关详情,现时并无计划硬性规定除营养素含量单位以外的营养标签格式。
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